Maecenas eget eros lorem, nec pellentesque lacus. Aenean dui orci, rhoncus sit amet tristique eu, tristique sed odio. Praesent ut interdum elit. Maecenas imperdiet, nibh vitae rutrum vulputate, lorem sem condimentum.Read more...
Aliquam elementum felis quis felis consequat scelerisque. Fusce sed lectus at arcu mollis accumsan at nec nisi. Aliquam pretium mollis fringilla. Vestibulum tempor facilisis malesuada. Read more...
Chairman : Dr.T.Vellasamy Nadar
Principal: Mrs.D.Sudha
Librarian: MRs.M.Subanaya
Senior Faculty Members: B.Akila
To Monitor the operations of the library
To advise the librarian in the preparation of annual library budget for the purchase of books and journals.
To frame rules and regulations for the use of library , subject to review by the board of management in case of complaints or objections.
To keep needs of library users under review to ensure that the library is constantly adapting to the user demands
To keep resources of the library under constant review.
To consider the views of the faculty , students regarding the functioning of the library and their problems, if any and to take remedial and corrective actions thereon.